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are the qualities that distinguish a good editorial? Are there certain
essential attributes? What should a good editorial do to a reader, and
what not?
These are some crucial questions that every
editor, editorial board member, journal and its policy makers should
decide for themselves and their respective publications. To that extent
it is individual, and some may consider it the internal matter of the
publication. However, a broad consensus on certain essential parameters
maybe desirable, even essential, if the individual has also to be a
significant part of the wider knowledge corpus which all editorials
pooled together represent.
We wonder if ever an exercise
to publish all editorials of a certain publication has been undertaken,
say over a five or ten year period. Or for that matter, say hundred
editorials from hundred different editors. It may make for fascinating
reading. We hope some smart publisher is reading this. It is possible
editorials of one editor may have been compiled and published in book
form. That itself is not uninteresting. But the flavour of different
edits by different authors is, well, in a class by itself. Wonder if it
has been attempted ever?
Of course we know why it may
not have been done. Editors, by and large, are reticent people, with a
magnified sense of their own importance. Well, this may hurt some, but
before they jump at our throats, let us clarify that we belong there as
well (The group of editors, reticent, and pompous.). Hence, they may be
willing to publish a book of their own edits, but maybe averse to a book
with multiple editors as co-authors. Maybe some smart publisher should
manage it. He will make his bucks, for sure. And the readers, including
fellow editors, will hugely enjoy the fare offered, as they savour the
stuff that goes into edit writing. And a second important service will
be to help deflate some editorial egos, much in need of puncturing, as
so many readers would vouch for.
Enough of that for the
present, for we must concentrate on the questions raised at the
beginning of this essay. And we hope fellow editors can take some ego
puncturing sportingly. Are they not doing it to their writers all the
time? It helps to get to the other side of the fence on occasions. Never
mind, for those who feel sour faced, there is solace. Their position in
the periodical will ensure their ego builds up with some speed once
Opinion Maker, Reconciliatory, Balanced and Crusading
very first criterion is that a good editorial is an opinion maker. If
it is based on evidence, so much the better. But it analyses evidence
rather than produces it. Of course what it analyses can be the basis of
the production of new evidence. But it is more like the ‘Results and
Discussion’ that follow ‘Materials and Method’ in a research paper in so
far as it is an objective analysis. However, it goes beyond an
analysis. It must necessarily also express an opinion. It must attempt
to critically analyse and sift from the various opinions, analyses and
evidences floating around. It must present a refreshing perspective on
an issue so as to retain balance when writings get opinionated; and/or
stir up the crotchety and crusty when scientific/creative stupor sets
in. Moreover, a good editorial is contemporary without being populist.
It tackles recent events and issues, and attempts to formulate
viewpoints based on an objective analysis of happenings and
conflicting/contrary opinions.
An editorial is
predominantly about balance. But that does not prevent it from
occasionally stirring things up, when such is the need. Hence a
hard-hitting editorial is as legitimate as a balanced equipoise that
reconciles apparently conflicting positions and controversial
posturings, whether amongst politicians (in news papers), or amongst
researchers (in academic journals).
All said and done,
the element of balance can never be lost. For that, it certainly helps
if an editor is a balanced individual by temperament as well. However,
let it not mean that balance in temperament excludes crusading zeal.
Most editors of some merit have the latter in reasonable quantity,
although they may play it down, or publicly make a mockery of it, since
it is the in thing to do (the mockery, not the crusading). Moreover,
denial can be a strong defense mechanism, as much in editors as in the
rest of humanity.
Make no mistake about it. Forget the
loud protestation to the contrary. Scratch the surface of any good
editor who enjoys his job, and a crusader will shine through.
sum up, a good editorial is either one or more of the following: it is
an opinion maker, it is reconciliatory between contrary viewpoints or
standpoints, it is balanced in its analysis of evidence and events, and
it is, manifest or otherwise, crusading in its thrust.
The Language
editorial is traditionally written in a literary style. While it is
difficult to define what a literary style is, let us say it is one in
which thought is well clothed in language. So well that an editorial may
make for a literary piece in literature, aside and apart from its
factual or scientific content. However, having said that, it must be
noted that an editorial is not only a literary piece. It must also
express a firm and balanced opinion on something, an opinion that
clarifies the muddle into which committed writers and researchers may
lead the reader. At no stage must the language overshadow the thought,
however. That is a subtle distinction to maintain. The thought may be
embellished by language, not drowned in it. It is very much like a
beautiful lady in an equally beautiful dress. Her beauty must be
accentuated by the dress. She should not get drowned, or over shadowed,
by it, for then the whole exercise is counterproductive. Like when a
model becomes just a peg to drape a dress on. That is a distinct danger a
good editorial writer must beware of. But, even if it be so, we may
note that an editor with a literary flair can make even a humdrum issue
vibrate with his unique touch.
In sum, then, language is an important accessory, but never the main thing.
The After Taste
the dessert after a good meal leaves an, in fact decides the, after
taste, a good editorial must also be careful to leave a good after
taste. This is one in which the reader is held to the piece and retains
his interest right till the end. So the piece has to be sufficiently
brief to hold his attention, and equally entertaining to hold his
attention so that the wholesome is imbibed. It must be such that the
reader feels enlightened, or empowered, or helped in forming his own
opinion on an issue. While a good editorial expresses an opinion, it
does not force it down the throat of the reader. It is subtle enough to
appeal to the good sense of the knowledgeable reader without forcing him
to toe its line. This is its real test.
The feeling
after a good editorial is done with is one of profundity. It is of being
in the presence of an enlightened being. It is of feeling ennobled and
charged to do something worthwhile, or feel reconciled from a knotty or
vexing thought process. It must, moreover, want you to give it a second
read. Like wanting a second helping of a good dessert. And want to read
further editorials by the same author. Like wanting ones favourite
dessert after a meal.
Summing Up
good editorial should express an opinion without being opinionated. It
should teach without being pedagogic. It should transform without being
evangelical. It should engulf without drowning. It should motivate to
action without making you dictatorial. It should enlighten without
getting you dogmatic, prejudiced and egotistical.
The last, and probably most important, a good editorial should be brief.
An article about a good editorial should also, if possible, be brief.
We hope this was.
Singh A. and Singh S. (2006), What Is A Good Editorial? (Editorial).
In: What Medicine Means To Me (Ajai R. Singh, Shakuntala A. Singh Eds.),
MSM, III:6, IV:1-4, p14-17.
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